The McQuaig Blog

5 Simple Strategies for More Effective Onboarding

Written by Kristen Harcourt | Aug 12, 2014 10:00:00 AM

Competition is stiff, so you do everything possible to attract top talent. Once you snag qualified candidates, your next challenge begins: retaining new employees. If your onboarding process is lacking, your bright new talent may not be around for long. An effective onboarding plan will make sure the people you invest in bringing into the company feel welcomed and confident enough to start contributing to its success sooner.

In our recent McQuaig Global Talent Recruitment Survey, onboarding programs ranked as the #1 planned investment in the US and Canada, and #2 globally. Here are five simple strategies you can employ right now to boost the effectiveness of your onboarding program.

Done right, an onboarding program can reduce your turnover rate, boost morale, save time and increase productivity. Over time, these things can make your company more competitive and lead to bigger profits. With proper planning and preparation, you can make the process more effective.

Have paperwork ready. Allow new hires to get all of their administrative forms filled out and signed on the first day. This clears the way for other matters of importance and alleviates complications regarding pay, benefits or other important administrative items down the line.

Provide a written rundown of responsibilities. A written plan outlining strategies, goals and job expectations eliminates uncertainty and confusion. It also gives workers the chance to ask questions and clear up misunderstandings before they dive into their new roles. Also, be truthful about the scope of the job. There is nothing more disheartening to a new employee than starting a job just to find out the responsibilities are misrepresented.

Introduce new hires to coworkers. Introducing new workers to the people in their departments can lessen transition anxiety. Set up a time where department coworkers can share what their roles are in the company. Pair the new hire with a mentor who will serve as an accessible point person who they can ask questions of and get help from when needed. This fosters a community of support, which is vital to healthy employee development.

Have the workstations ready. Sending new workers to workstations filled with nothing but dust gives the impression that your company is disorganized and you don’t expect much from them out of the gate, and that can hurt momentum. Their morale will sink before they even get started. Before you show an employee to his workstation, set it up with everything he needs to jump right in. This signals that you’re eager to get them adding value right away.

Schedule follow-up time. Schedule time during the first 60 days to see how the worker is progressing. Request a review of performance from her direct supervisor. In addition, speak to the worker one-on-one to get feedback on her experience at the company. During this time, you can address any concerns and offer your feedback as well.

The onboarding process is the time when new hires form their first impressions of your company and learn what’s expected of them. Proper training and acclimation reaffirms their choice and creates a strong employer brand association in their mind. It also positions them to become productive members of the team faster, which benefits everyone over the long-term.

Do you agree? Or do you think onboarding is over rated?