The McQuaig Blog

8 Hiring Mistakes Assessments Can Help You Avoid

Written by Eve Davies-Greenwald | Jul 10, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Ready to dive into the wild world of recruitment blunders? Let’s face it, we’ve all made a few hiring mistakes that leave us wanting to hide under our desks. From the candidate who spins a good yarn but can’t walk the talk, to the person with the stellar resume and abysmal people skills, it can be hard to cut through the noise to figure out who your candidate truly is. If you’re gearing up for another round of recruiting, think about some of the common hiring mistakes HR runs into and how assessments can help shake things up. By using data, rather than instinct, you can avoid many of the pitfalls of the hiring process and ensure your new employee is the right fit for both the role and the team.

Common hiring errors

Let’s explore 8 common hiring mistakes recruitment teams run into, sometimes without even noticing, and how assessments can steer you around each potential problem.

  1. The “gut feeling” gamble

Ever hired someone because they “felt right”? Maybe they laughed at your jokes or shared your love for pineapple pizza. But soon, you realize they’re as suited for the job as a bull in a tea shop. Oops! Assessments can help you go beyond your gut and get a real sense of a candidate’s skills, personality, and fit. Instead of relying on your instinct, assessments give you actionable data to base your decision on. That way you can walk into a hire with open eyes, understanding where they might have challenges in a role and how they might fit into your current team.

  1. The resume romance

Oh, the allure of a perfect resume. These days, thanks to the help of resume writing tools, it can be hard to know just how much to trust that tried-and-true piece of paper. Many a hiring manager has been swayed by an impressive CV, only to find the experience greatly exaggerated once the person starts in a role. In fact, a whopping 70% of workers admit to lying on their resumes to some degree. With so much at stake for making a wrong hire, you want to look beyond the resume to ensure you’re finding a candidate who has the hard skills, as well as the more intangible traits needed to do well in a position.


Read More: Are you guilty of making these 5 common hiring mistakes?


  1. The overqualified overlord

You found the perfect candidate with a gold-plated résumé and a Ph.D. in awesomeness. But wait, why are they applying for an entry-level job? Some job seekers apply to anything and everything, landing in a position just long enough to cash a few paychecks before bouncing at the first sign of a better opportunity. This early turnover can stop projects in their tracks, derail teams, and create a culture of instability. Assessment can help give you some insight into not just what a candidate will potentially do while in a role, but also if their skill set and interests align to the job benchmark you’ve created. While there may be valid reasons to hire someone who is not an exact match for a position, it does give you a better idea about where misalignment might occur and what that might mean to a hire’s long-term potential.

  1. The mirror misstep

We all have biases. Sometimes, we end up hiring people who are just like us. While it’s fun to have a work twin, diversity is where the magic happens. Assessments provide objective data, helping you build a team with varied skills, perspectives, and ideas. In fact, looking at the composition of your whole team before you hire can help you identify talent gaps that your next search can fill. Remember, a team full of clones is good for sci-fi movies, not for innovation.

  1. The charisma conundrum

Ever met a candidate who’s smoother than butter? That one who can talk a great game and then flash that million-dollar smile? Truth is, they might be great in an interview but terrible when the actual work starts. And unfortunately for you, you won’t know what’s beneath the surface until they land in a role. Assessments give you a peek behind the curtain to see if a candidate’s skills match their suave demeanor. They can even suggest more targeted interview questions to help you move beyond that darling story of how your candidate saved that kitten from up the tree and focus on the information you need to make an informed decision. Remember, charm is great, but competence is king.

  1. The reference reliance

Yes, everyone still checks references these days but how much do you really trust them? Sure, you might be talking to their last manager, or you might be talking to their best friend who’s more than happy to provide a glowing review. Assessments give you an unbiased look at a candidate’s potential, so you’re not relying solely on those wonderful (and possibly exaggerated) references. Get the real scoop about what your candidate might achieve if you hire them, not just the sugar-coated version from family and friends.

Read More: Learn how to reduce the cost of turnover on your team


  1. The hurried hire

Hire in haste, repent at leisure. Sound familiar? When your team is buckling under too much work and your open role keeps dragging on, it might seem like getting anyone into the seat is better than leaving it unfilled. The problem is fast hires can lead to misalignment for a role, unqualified hires, rapid turnover, and decreased team morale. Assessments help you protect your quality of hire without sacrificing speed. The results can streamline your top candidates, gain better insight into their abilities and potential, provide a level playing field to compare candidates and guide the interview process with targeted questions. Just because you’re in a rush doesn’t mean you have to hire the first warm body through the door.

  1. The culture clash

Your new hire seemed perfect until they started throwing paper planes during meetings. Cue the instant regret. Finding a great fit for your role is important but it’s also crucial to consider the culture of your team and workplace. A great hire who won’t fit in isn’t so great after all. They can be a drain on morale, a distraction from work, and an instigator of a culture shift you might not be thrilled to see. That’s why it’s so important to consider culture fit when hiring. Assessments can gauge whether a candidate’s values and work style align with your company culture, saving you from awkward office dynamics.

Assessments help you step up your hiring game

Assessments are like your recruitment superhero, swooping in to save you from hiring disasters. They help you avoid the cringe-worthy moments of realizing you’ve hired someone completely wrong for the job. So, next time you’re in the hiring hot seat, remember these common pitfalls and let assessments be your trusty sidekick.


Are you ready to revamp your hiring strategy with the help of assessments? We’d love to help. Contact us here to start the conversation about how assessments can help you improve your quality of hire.