The McQuaig Blog

Can Personality Assessments Make A Hiring Manager Happier?

Written by The McQuaig Institute | May 17, 2017 5:07:00 PM

Hiring managers are typically under a lot of stress – they need to hire the right employees quickly to fill vacant positions, or else productivity will start to plummet. Pressure from upper management, uncertainty in the hiring process, conversations around how to evaluate candidates, and much more can all lead to extremely high tensions. And high tensions can put certain people in the workplace into a perpetually bad mood. If only there was a way to make people happy again. If only there was some sort of solution that could help hiring managers find the people they need, easily coach them, and increase their team’s overall productivity.

Oh, right – there is. Here’s how the implementation of personality assessments can boost your hiring manager’s mood. Because when the boss is happy, aren’t we all happy?

They find what they need

Let’s face it: hiring managers may not be the best at recruiting because they don’t do it all the time. In fact, Workopolis has a great blog post about common interviewing mistakes that hiring managers can sometimes make. Unless they’re in a high-growth phase (which is awesome) or experiencing a lot of turnover (which is not so awesome), they’re not constantly filling positions. Just like anything, practice makes perfect – and without routine practice, it’s easy to make mistakes. Personality tests can help hiring managers a) figure out who they’re really looking for, b) match candidates to the kind of profile that the job requires, and c) conduct better interviews to get the information they need to make that determination. If you find a test that’s easy to complete and understand (yes, they do exist!), then it might even be a little fun. Finding what they need and injecting a little fun into their day might just be enough to crack a smile.

It makes coaching easier

Coaching is something that a lot of managers really struggle with. Each person on their team requires a unique communication approach, and really knowing the nuances of those approaches is not an easy thing to do. But personality assessments can spell this out for them, with some even providing a straightforward list of do’s and don’ts for how to best manage each employee. Any time you’re making their life easier, you’re working your way into a hiring manager’s heart.

Their team’s productivity increases

A manager’s success is ultimately measured by their team’s effectiveness. If you can help them improve productivity, there’s no way you’d be on their bad side! Personality assessments can help managers to coordinate tasks by leveraging employees’ natural strengths and fostering more efficient communication. You’ve probably seen it on your own team: when people are doing what they’re good at, and they’re communicating well, engagement and productivity tend to go up. The manager’s role is to lead the team and get everyone jiving together. If you arm your hiring managers with the right resources to do this, they can get the most out of their team – which helps to make them look good.

Achieving hiring manager satisfaction may not be the easiest thing to do, but personality assessments can definitely help you get there. Who knows – you might even get a bonus for all your efforts!

I mean, we can dream, can’t we?