The McQuaig Blog

2017 In Review: Our Favourite Infographics

Written by The McQuaig Institute | Jan 11, 2018 1:51:00 PM

Who doesn’t love a good infographic? Over the past year, we’ve come across a ton of gorgeous, insightful infographics, but there are a few that stuck out as particularly interesting. We’re constantly finding gems and sharing them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn – but in case you missed them, here are our favourites from 2017:

10 HR Technology Disruptions to Expect in 2018

You can always rely on Deloitte for strong thought-leadership pieces, and this infographic is no exception. Extracted from their 2018 HR Technology Disruptions: Productivity, Design & Intelligence Reign Report, this infographic covers what you need to watch out for in HR Tech this year. If you want to stay on top of your game, this is a must-read.
See The Infographic

5 Reasons Why Businesses Fail

To be fully transparent, I like this one because it emphasizes the importance of having the right people on your team. This is something that we truly believe here at McQuaig, and it’s backed up by the data in this infographic. Sometimes, rather than being told what we should do, it’s better to see what not to do. After all, the biggest lessons come from failures!
See The Infographic

10 Words and Phrases to Watch Out for on Resumes

Resume screening can be tricky. Sometimes there’s a lot of verbiage, sometimes there’s too little – whatever the case, your ultimate goal is to determine whether an applicant is worth your time to call. This infographic can help determine whether someone is throwing around buzzwords or effectively articulating their skills. Not to mention it has cute cartoons!
See The Infographic

Discover how a university used job benchmarking to offer effective career guidance to over 300 students. Download the case study for free!

Professional Etiquette For Job Seekers and Recruiters

When I entered the workforce, I had this impression that everyone always conducted themselves in a cool, calm, collected, professional manner. But HR professionals know that people bring all kinds of behaviour to work and it’s not always pretty. To help remind us all of what those professional manners should look like, especially when it comes to looking for work or recruiting for talent, SocialTalent created this great piece.
See The Infographic

Bad Boss Index

Speaking of less-than-optimal office behaviour, we can’t forget about the management team. Nobody’s perfect, and that includes management. BambooHR outlined some of the most undesirable boss behaviours that contribute to employee turnover. Check it out to see if you or your boss are guilty of any of these management blunders!
See The Infographic

Of course, there are a million and one other infographics we could’ve included on this list, but we wanted to make sure you’d still have time if your day to get other work done. If you missed some of these in 2017, hopefully you can get caught up here!

PS – did you see an infographic that blew you out of the water in 2017? Let us know in the comments!