The McQuaig Blog

How Job Benchmarking Helped 300+ University Students

Written by The McQuaig Institute | Jan 4, 2018 1:13:00 PM

The Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate (BMC) at the University of San Diego (USD) had a challenge. It was time to develop a Career Services program that could benefit both undergraduate and graduate students, as they began to forge ahead in their careers. But how could they know that their guidance services would be effective for their students?

That’s when BMC turned to job benchmarking. The team began using benchmarks for roles throughout the real estate industry, based on almost two decades of experience and data with McQuaig tools. By assessing how students stack up against the benchmarks, BMC was able to more effectively offer career guidance to their alumni-to-be.

To dive deeper into how effective the process of benchmarking can be, we interviewed Stath Karras, Executive Director at BMC, and Jacqueline Greulich, Student and Career Services Manager at BMC. Their story can be found in our new case study with the University of San Diego, which covers the goals BMC set out to achieve, success stories from participants in the program, and some truly outstanding results.

Discover how job benchmarking improved the career paths of hundred of students at the University of San Diego. Download your free copy of this case study here!