The McQuaig Blog

Culture and Reinventing the Workplace with Pam Ross

Written by Kristen Harcourt | Sep 2, 2015 11:30:00 AM


If you could reinvent your workplace and make it a place where people find meaning in their work, are motivated and excited to use their talents, would you?

Pam Ross is a culture consultant and Chief Experience Officer at Pam Ross Consulting. She’s optimistic that workplaces can be a whole lot more awesome with increased engagement. She’s made it her mission to transform companies and hopes to make it the mission of other HR and management professionals.

In my #MiChat video interview with Pam we discussed culture and reinventing the workplace. We talked about the culture of quitters who stay despite their lack of engagement, trust as the currency of business, the importance of transparency and much more.

After our conversation,we moved over to Twitter and engaged with our MiChat-ers. We heard that:

  • Awesome cultures put the whole person first, both personal and professional
  • Authentic leadership built on listening & understanding fosters a healthy company culture
  • Leaders shape and impact company culture
  • Culture is created by action not intention
  • Your brand is your culture
  • Work is already changing in terms of technology, flexible workdays, remote workspaces, results as measurements and outsourcing

Thanks again to Pam for being our guest and to all our attendees for chatting with us. Stay tuned for our September #MiChat

What are your thoughts? How would you reinvent your workplace and its culture?