The McQuaig Blog

The Big HR Ideas of 2015

Written by Kristen Harcourt | Dec 17, 2015 12:00:00 PM

What did you learn in 2015? What books really spoke to you and made you dog ear a page or two to come back to later? What articles or blog posts compelled you to share with a friend or your network? I’d like to share some of ours.

When I’m reading a book and I come across an idea I really want to come back to, to see how it can help me in my job or life, I bend the corner of the page down and, if I happen to have a highlighter nearby I highlight like crazy. I can look at a book and tell how engaging it was just by how many dog eared pages I can see. For example, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown has more bent corners than straight ones.

And when I read a really good blog post, I click the share icons and let the world know that I think there are ideas in it that can help them.

This past year, I got a lot of really great feedback on the blogs we’ve posted in Talent Management Talk. I wanted to share with you some of the better ones and, at first, I thought of sharing my favorites. But then I thought maybe what speaks to me might not be what speaks to you. So, I decided to share the ones that got shared the most. Those are the ones all of you decided were worth telling your friends and networks about.

So, here are the 5 most shared Talent Management Talk blog posts of 2015:

  1. Why the Netflix CEO says Interviews Don’t Work, and What Does
  2. New Video: Talking Talent Management & Social Media with @UnMarketing
  3. Tips for Hiring Millennials from a Millennial
  4. How CEO Personality Shapes Corporate Culture, and Results
  5. The Ultimate Guide to Employee Onboarding

If you enjoyed any of these, please share them with the people who matter to you.

What big ideas, books or blogs resonated with you this year?

Image courtesy of Flickr CC and Ken Douglas