The McQuaig Blog

The New McQuaig Comparison Report

Written by The McQuaig Institute | Jan 9, 2017 1:52:00 PM

 As part of our continuous improvement, each month we release new product features and updates. One of our most recent updates is a new version of what we call the Comparison Report. This is an extremely handy feature for a few different reasons. Whether you are in the recruitment process or are working to develop a team, this report will help to facilitate the necessary discussions. The report now includes two different views and allows you to select an ideal profile to compare multiple candidates to.

Recruiting and Promoting

To appeal to different minds, the new report includes two possible views for comparing temperamental profiles of candidates, both of which allow you to set the ideal profile for the role at the top of the page. This gives you a point of reference in a recruiting or promoting conversation. The report will save you from having to flip through multiple pages in your consideration process as it will all be laid out on one page. In this summary you can analyze which candidate is the best overall match for the role and then compare their levels of fit, helping you to decide who to move forward with. Learn more about creating the ideal profile for a role and assessing candidates here.

Assessing Team Effectiveness

The comparison report is also a great tool in facilitating team effectiveness discussions. By including all of the temperamental profiles within a team on one page, it is easy to see which members will get along really well and which ones might not see eye to eye. This way you can proactively address any issues before they occur. This report also gives you the bird’s eye view for strengths and developmental areas on your team as a whole, allowing you to plan for projects accordingly. Improving team effectiveness is an important component of employee relations and communication.

This functionality can be easily accessed from our online platform. With just a few clicks you can generate the report to view it on your screen, download it, or email it to a colleague straight from the site. It serves as a great discussion tool any time you have multiple people to compare and gives you the flexibility to view it in a number of ways.