The McQuaig Blog

Why Happiness Equals Production in the Workplace

Written by The McQuaig Institute | Sep 10, 2013 6:57:02 AM

Companies spend a lot of time and money focusing on how to market and sell their products when they should be focusing on a more important commodity: their employees. Unhappy employees cost employer’s big money – to the tune of $300 billion per year in the United States alone.

Why are unhappiness and loss of productivity so closely linked? Because when an employee becomes disinterested in the job, he or she is less likely to do the best job possible. He or she may call in sick more often or spend more time on breaks chatting with co-workers or surfing the Internet than focusing on the job. Creativity and commitment are also linked to happiness. These qualities tend to suffer when workers feel stuck in their job.

More and more workers are feeling unhappy in their jobs because they crave so many areas of fulfillment. They no longer want simply a paycheck. They want meaningful work that serves a purpose – work that makes affects their mind, body and soul in positive ways. How can employers achieve this? Here are five aspects to consider.

Value Exchange

Make work more about just a paycheck. Offer other incentives to help employees strive to their best. Show them how their job fits in with the company’s mission and goals.


People don’t want to work to the point where they’re stressed out and sick. Don’t allow employees to work while sick or on vacation. Give employees time away from the office. They’ll come back to work refreshed.


With many workers in the office for eight or more hours per day, they want to work with people they’ll get along with. As an employer, treat employees with respect. Don’t make them fear coming to work each day. Foster a nurturing work environment that focuses on teamwork and offers flexibility when needed.


Many employees have a strong need to connect to their community. Make sure your company allows for volunteer work or other opportunities to work in the community. This is a good way to bring awareness to the company.


Everyone has their own set of beliefs that guide them through work and life. Allow each employee to be unique in that aspect. Employees should be respected for what they believe without embarrassment or retaliation.

Make Your Company a Great Place to Work

The McQuaig Institute has experience helping workplaces increase productivity and retain highly skilled workers. Don’t let quality suffer and cost your company hard-earned money. Click hereto get more information or to request an assessment for your company.