The McQuaig Blog

HR’s Bogeyman: Behavioral Assessments

Written by Kristen Harcourt | Aug 14, 2014 10:00:00 AM

We all have fears. Some rational; some irrational. Take the fear of bugs. For the most part, they’re small and harmless. But if one of those creepy crawlers drops from the ceiling onto my shoulder … let’s not go there.

Then there are the rational fears. For instance, the one we hear from HR professionals all the time: behavioral assessments will sink my career.

Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I do hear from many in HR that they’re worried behavioral assessments will be misused by hiring managers and that will render them less effective, which will reflect poorly on HR. It’s not that they don’t think assessments work. The evidence is there that they do, but they’re scared poor implementation will backfire, leaving you-know-who holding the bag.

That’s a legitimate fear. It’s also why we created the eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing The Right Talent Assessment.

By reading this eBook, you’ll learn how to:

  •    Recognize the risks involved in behavioral assessments
  •    Choose an assessment that hiring managers will use properly
  •    Effectively implement assessments into your talent management processes

You can download the free eBook here. I’d love to know what you think … and if you have any advice for getting over the bug thing.

For a deeper look at how assessments can help you avoid making hiring mistakes, get a free trial of  McQuaig today.