The McQuaig Blog

Humanize Your Talent Management Process to Attract Top Talent

Written by The McQuaig Institute | Jan 25, 2017 1:50:00 PM

So you want to be one of the most sought after companies? One that everyone in your industry wants to work for, and even those outside of it! A company that receives candidate applications by the thousands every single day. An organizational culture so uplifting that people would be willing to work for free! (I am talking interns now, we have to be realistic)

Well, what would make your culture attract people? Making it about people. Humanizing your talent management process so that people are understood, happy, and most importantly, successful.

Entrepreneur magazine says “Humanizing an organization creates incentives for the best candidates to apply, improves employee engagement, and develops a sense of loyalty and exclusivity.” 

Listen up HR, this is your baby. Although you will have to enlist the help of everyone in your organization, it is up to you to champion it. And that is simply because you own these processes:


Perceptions of your company culture are formed by candidates even before they read the job description and you either want to keep the positive thoughts flowing or make them question any negative judgements they have had. If your recruiting process is focused on providing a personal experience that aims to understand the candidate beyond their resume, then you will be setting the foundation for your human culture.


The candidate has accepted the offer and is being brought onto the team. Now is the time to build on that foundation and instill your culture in this new member. There is no better way to solidify that your company values the human element than with a personalized onboarding plan. Slapping an employee manual on their desk and showing them around the office really doesn’t say “we care about who you are as a whole person”. In addition, teaching them how to exhibit that care towards other employees will ensure that the circle is completed.

Retaining and Developing

A culture doesn’t exist unless it is exemplified by its members. As an employee remains in the company and is developed, they still need to feel that personal touch as well as demonstrate it towards others. This personal touch needs to be weaved into every process from approaching a colleague with a question, to delegating work, to providing feedback. Making it part of a process transforms it from a wishy washy idea into something that is actually done.

Now the ideas are flowing as to how you can humanize your talent management process. Find out how we can help here or solidify these ideas by staying up to date on our blog.