Startups are built to eke the most productivity out of the smallest group. In the development phase, efficiency and agility are paramount, with each team member wearing more hats in a single week than most people wear in a lifetime.
At some point, though, the team has to grow to keep up with rising demand or increasing complexity in what has to get done. At that point, the biggest question for entrepreneurs is: what are the key positions my startup needs to get to the next level?
Lucky for you, that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about in our next McQuaig Lunch & Learn webinar! On Thursday, July 27, we’ll be covering 6 essential startup roles that will position your company for future success. We’ll also discuss the personality traits that are typically seen in people who do well in those roles, so you know what to look for when you’re hiring. And to top it all off, you’ll get a free copy of our eBook, 6 Critical Roles For Any Startup (And How To Fill Them).
Sound good? Details are below, and you can sign up for free right here. See you on July 27!