Save Time With These 5 Awesome HR Template Sources

Instead of spending all day searching for the right template for a new policy, procedure, or anything else, simply choose ones from the HR templates below.

So often we hear “I’d love to do that at our company, but we just don’t have the resources to do it.” When your HR team is made up of only a handful of people, it can feel like you’re always stretched thin. And although there are tools out there to help get the day’s jobs done more efficiently, it can be time-intensive in its own right to actually find the tools that are going to help. One of the most labourious tasks in HR is producing documentation or communications, so we’ve curated a list of resources that offer HR templates to help make that part of the job easier.

Instead of spending all day searching for the right template for a new policy, procedure, or anything else, just grab some of the HR templates from one of the sources below. Who knows – maybe they’ll save enough time to help you finally get to the projects you’ve been dreaming about!

1) Workable has a great selection of communication templates for the hiring process – everything from hiring to onboarding.

2) When I Work provides templates for policies, forms, letters, etc.

3) If you’re trying to get employee feedback quickly, try SurveyMonkey’s templates.

4) The Society for Human Resource Management has a huge collection of resources and templates on almost every HR topic you can imagine.

5) For those of you who do everything in Excel, Smartsheet has a number of free templates to download.

Do you have a different go-to spot for awesome HR templates? Let us know in the comments!

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