The McQuaig Blog

2017 In Review: Most Popular eBooks

Written by Venessa Vasilakeris | Jan 2, 2018 12:37:00 PM

Blog articles weren’t the only things you were reading last year. Throughout 2017, you downloaded thousands of our reports and eBooks, so we decided to parse through the data and figure out which ones you liked the most. Here are the Big Five, our most popular eBooks from 2017:

A Quick Guide To Hiring The Right Person

Your hiring process could use an upgrade. Download a free copy of this eBook to discover how personality assessments can improve the accuracy and the efficiency of your hiring strategy. Hiring the right person the first time is paramount, and we’ve got some tips on how you can get there.

Vital Startup Roles You Need To Fill

This was a hit with entrepreneurs and small business owners in 2017. If you’re starting out and you’re not quite sure which roles will position your company for scalable growth, these six vital roles are a great place to start.

Hiring Effective Salespeople

80% of sales require at least five follow-up calls, but 44% of salespeople give up after just a single call. This eBook covers the number-one trait to look for when hiring salespeople, so you can make sure 100% of your sales team are making the right calls.

How To Choose The Best Personality Assessment Tool

Not all personality assessments are created equal. In 2017, you took the plunge and started asking the hard questions – six key questions, to be exact. As you start to consider your assessment options, make sure these critical differentiators are addressed. It could be the difference between an awesome hire and a waste of time (and money).

Calulate The ROI Of Personality Assessments

Show me the numbers! In 2017 this ROI calculator was essential in building the business case for SMBs and enterprise-level organizations. In fact, it was so popular that we created a startup-specific ROI calculator halfway through the year. Go beyond the fluff and get to what matters most in your business case for personality assessments – ROI.

If some of these eBooks are new to you, they’re all available to download for free. Pick the one that suits your needs, or go wild and download them all! But mostly, stay tuned for all-new eBooks, infographics, and reports from McQuaig in the coming weeks and months. Happy new year!