Rejecting Candidates With Empathy
Instead of ignoring unsuccessful candidates, how can you reject them with empathy and understanding instead?
Explore the latest in HR trends and strategies on the McQuaig Blog. Discover expert insights and practical advice to help you manage, develop, and retain top talent effectively.
Instead of ignoring unsuccessful candidates, how can you reject them with empathy and understanding instead?
How you welcome a new hire into your company and set them up in their early days can have an impact on their tenure with the organization.
With so much riding on how you describe a position, getting it wrong can mean a longer time to hire and cost you potentially strong candidate
As the guiding light for talent management right now, how is HR evolving as the pandemic goes on and what might the role look like ahead?
With remote work stretching on, it raises the question of which skill sets are more valuable in an online context than others.
The first thing you need to do when preparing for months of remote work is to figure out what's been working, or not working, so far.
Hybrid teams, a team that is made up of a mix of in-person and remote employees, are growing increasingly popular. How do you manage them?
Will leaders walking into our changed future of work require different skills than we thought they would? Thoughts?
Why would you consider hiring internally instead of externally? External hires can bring new energy and new ideas to your current team. But...
What are some issues that might be happening in your hiring process that are causing your candidates to walk away from you?