Resources > Blog

Insights and Innovations in Talent Management

Explore the latest in HR trends and strategies on the McQuaig Blog. Discover expert insights and practical advice to help you manage, develop, and retain top talent effectively.

Employee Engagement

What’s Your Office Holiday Party Style?

We’ve gone through a huge list of office holiday parties and classified them based on theme. You’ll probably recognize your office’s shindig here.

Employee Engagement

Develop An Employee Engagement Plan for 2018

Employee engagement is probably on your mind as you brainstorm new initiatives for 2018. Here's a framework for selecting and running with ideas.

Candidate Experience

What Is A Seamless Hiring Experience?

One of the most powerful hiring tools is a seamless hiring experience. Let's unpack what that looks like, and how it affects your job applicants.

Free Webinar: Benchmarking For Better Hiring

Sign up for this McQuaig Lunch & Learn webinar, happening on December 19, and discover just how powerful job benchmarking can be for your hiring...

360 Assessments

What Does Effective Leadership Look Like?

Over time, it becomes clear that many leadership theories, recommendations and best practices conflict with one another. So what’s the real answer?