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Insights and Innovations in Talent Management

Explore the latest in HR trends and strategies on the McQuaig Blog. Discover expert insights and practical advice to help you manage, develop, and retain top talent effectively.

Candidate Experience

How Do You Establish Trust With Your Candidates?

It can be hard to attract the right sort of talent to your company but one tactic is to improve your candidate experience. One way to do that is by...

Candidate Experience

Are You Treating Employed Candidates Fairly?

Here’s a harsh reality some of us don’t often consider: many of your most-qualified applicants to a given job opening already have a job.

Candidate Experience

Are Chatbots Part Of Your Recruitment Strategy?

Candidate experience is increasingly important for companies. One of the most important elements of the candidate experience is consistent...

Candidate Experience

Here’s Why You Need To Follow Up With Candidates

All too often, candidates apply to a job but never hear back from the potential employer. When you can hire your top choice, the effects of this...