Resources > Blog

Insights and Innovations in Talent Management

Explore the latest in HR trends and strategies on the McQuaig Blog. Discover expert insights and practical advice to help you manage, develop, and retain top talent effectively.

Employee Retention

The Secret to Hiring for Culture Fit

The secret to hiring for culture fit is to understand what your culture really is to promote it, not just say what you think candidates want to hear.

Employee Engagement

A Talent Management Plan for the Digital Age

Developing a talent management plan for the digital age using internal and external platforms can give you a serious advantages according to McKinsey.

Employee Retention

The Big HR Ideas of 2015

2015 was a year of big ideas in HR. Here are five that got the most shares from the Talent Management Talk blog.

Employee Engagement

HR in 2015: How did we do?

How did HR do in 2015? Did the profession rise to the occasion, or fall flat? Let's have a look against the backdrop of a Deloitte report that...

Employee Retention

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Onboarding

Thinking about employee onboarding? That's a good first step. This guide provides best practices, tips and checklists to make it easier.